

I am passionate about teaching pregnant women—even more so now, as yoga was an integral part of both my pregnancies. My water actually broke, with our second child, while I was practicing yoga in our living room!

My practice kept me grounded, allowing me to move while getting used to my ever-changing body. It allowed me to  quiet myself, tune in, and connect with the baby that was growing in my belly.  Once I had my daughters, post-natal yoga afforded me great relief while my body slowly healed- helping me through the many transitions of motherhood - as I gained my strength and endurance back.

As a teacher, it is a privilege for me to go on this journey with you. Each trimester is so different. One of the reasons I love private pre-natal sessions is the freedom that they afford you during this constantly changing time. At any moment the direction of a session can shift depending on how you (or your kicking baby) may be feeling.

Pregnancy is such a beautiful and personal time, and it is an honor for me to work with expectant mamas.